Archived News

OpenTTD 1.3.3-RC2

Here it comes, the second release candidate for the upcoming stable release of OpenTTD: OpenTTD 1.3.3-RC2.

It fixes a crash with scripts editing strings, an issue with server hanging under certain conditions when clients joined as well as fixing broken display of multi-line texts (see changelog here)

Have fun testing and please make sure to give us feedback. Bugs go to our bug tracker.

Your OpenTTD team

OpenTTD 1.3.3-RC1

Lo and behold, a new release of OpenTTD is ahead and as usual we start with a first release candidate for it. Here comes OpenTTD 1.3.3-RC1.

This version took a bit longer than planned to be done, but it ships with a long list of fixes (see this changelog). Most notably the handling of text input and display, drawing and layout text strings got improved, and a lot of long-standing bugs in OSX got fixed.

This is a lot of things which were changed, thus it needs sound testing. Have fun playing (and testing) this new release candidate and please tell us, if you encounter any oddities or bugs.

Your OpenTTD team

OpenTTD 1.3.2

In the middle of your vacation, just back from the OpenTTD and TT parties, so what to do next?

The answer is of course OpenTTD-1.3.2. During the OpenTTD party Belugas released the new stable version, filled with all fixes of the last Release Candidates.

Have fun,
your OpenTTD development team

OpenTTD 1.3.2-RC2

Here it comes, OpenTTD 1.3.2-RC2, again with quite a number of bug squashed since the last release candidate. You can obtain it from the usual download location as well as view the changelog.

Among others, most notably a crash which could occur with some AIs was fixed, slowdowns were removed when showing windows with many strings like the advanced settings as well as connection issues with the content server under certain conditions.

If you encounter any bugs or problems, please make sure to tell us; if you enjoy the game, tell others :-)

Your OpenTTD team

OpenTTD 1.3.2-RC1

Many bugs got squashed due to your testing of the stable release. Now it has become time to release a new test version, namely 1.3.2-RC1. Download is at the usual place. The changelog shows all the fixes that were done, including adding support for two new languages.

The new languages required a rewrite of all string rendering code, so it's possible that it's not working optimal in all cases. Please look out for text that suddenly looks different, as it might indicate a bug.

Should you stumble over any bugs or issues that we forgot to fix, please report them.

Enjoy and happy test-building!
Your OpenTTD team