Archived News

Graphics and sound replacement complete

In this week both the graphics and sound replacement sets have been finished. We would like to thank the developers of both OpenGFX and OpenSFX for their effort.

This means that OpenTTD can now be played in full without the need for the graphics and sound files of Transport Tycoon Deluxe. However, for the sound replacement set to work you need a recent nightly/trunk build.

OpenTTD 0.7.4

Today we released a new bug fix release of OpenTTD's 0.7 series. Nothing world shattering but we did our best reducing the number of bugs.

Again we would like to mention the free graphics and sound replacement projects, respectively OpenGFX and OpenSFX. We really would like these projects to be finished, or at least have a complete set of graphics/sounds, before we start with our next stable series.

We are also still looking for Mac OS X developers who are willing to take over the Mac OS X port of OpenTTD.

OpenTTD 0.7.4-RC1

Today we have released the first release candidate for 0.7.4. It contains, as usual, an assortment of fixes.
We hope that you test it while we continue with working on the features and bug fixes for the next major release.

Finishing graphics and sound replacements

Over the last years people have been working on a free replacement set for the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe graphics and sounds so OpenTTD can be played without you having to have Transport Tycoon Deluxe.

Great input has been given for both OpenGFX, the graphics replacement set which is 98% finished and still needs 208 sprites, and OpenSFX, the sound replacement set which is 83% finished and still needs 12 sound samples. With your input we hope that we can finish both of these projects before the next major release so we can include them in the packaging/documentation and thus make the first truely free OpenTTD.

So, can you draw, mix sounds or record sounds? This is the way to donate to the project so we can meet our objectives.

OpenTTD Useful 2.4

Today we updated to fix some linking issues with the nightlies/trunk. We also updated the freetype and png libraries.
If you do not compile OpenTTD yourself or you are not using Microsoft's compiler you will not be affected.