Archived News

Nightlies back online

Some days ago, we tried to upgrade all compilers for the nightlies (at the compile-farm we use) to GCC 4.1.1. Also, we tried to switch to a glibc version which is nptlonly (for linux targets). While doing this, we broke the whole system. After hours of fiddling, we managed to get it back to work again, and today we finally got all compilers to reach version 4.1.1, which for example fixes the nightly problems for win32. The only target remaining behind is MorphOS, which is using GCC 2.95.3, but that has a completely different story, and doesn't give any real problems at all.

So, so summarize the above: enjoy the new nightlies :)

OpenTTD Developer Contacts

As it currently seems to be a new thing to send tons of private emails, let me clear up some things:

All communication regarding OpenTTD is expected to be in English, as all developers can read and write that. Any other language is trashed by default. Developers from time to time do reply to your email in their native language, if they know you can read it. But that is up to the developers. It is not up to you to assume they can read any other language than English!

Second, for what reason what so ever, people seem to think they should email me, TrueLight, for any question how small or little or stupid what so ever. I am _not_ an active developer of OpenTTD. The only thing I manage are the web-services of OpenTTD. Please do NOT contact me about anything else.

Your best way in for any communication really is the forum. Else you might want to try the If you really want to email someone, please email the Lead Developer, which currently is {}. But again, use the English language for that communication.

I thank you for your understanding.

Scheduled Downtime - 3 October 08:30 - 11:30

[Update] - All hardware is moved, and all services should be operational again.

3 October 2006, around 08:30 UTC, all webservices of OpenTTD will be down for 2 to 3 hours, because of hardware movement.

The servers, where most of the services are currently located (RedBus, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), have to be moved to a new location (Eweka DataCenter, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Because it involes hardware movement, all servers and other related hardware (network, ...) will be shut down, moved to the new location, to be put back online there. We expect it will take around 2 hours to do the movement, and possible an other one for problem solving.

Services involved are: www, dev-space, master-server (also the in-game server-list), mail(list), SVN and torrents.
Services that will be ineffected: bugs, wiki, nightly and translator.
Around 11:30 UTC it should all be up and running again. We will let you know when it does.

If you have any questions, feel free to drop a mail to {}.

New screenshots

The screenshots page has been update with new images. Thank you all for sending them in.

Openttd 0.4.8 Release

I'm glad to announce the final release of our 0.4 cycle. For those of you who have been following the release candidates virtually nothing has changed.
For all others the long list of fixes can be read in the changelog. You are highly encouraged to update from 0.4.7 as that version has some network vulnerabilities which can spoil multiplayer fun.

We hope you enjoy this version as much as the previous ones and continue our support. Stats show the frontpage has more than 2 million! hits every month and over 100,000 unique visitors. The previous release, 0.4.7, has been downloaded over 106,000 times just for windows. Who would've thought TTD/OpenTTD is this popular!
As always, the files are in the download section and the forum announcement is here.