Archived News

New Days Have Come

Today our new servers arrived to host all the main internet services for OpenTTD. Also today, we moved everything to the new servers.

The coming of the new servers mean that we will start to collect all the internet services, which are now hosted all over the world by a lot of different people, to one place. When we are done with that, we set up mirror-servers in different countries, which will duplicate everything the main servers have, so we can serve you this page even faster ;)
Currently, the servers are located in The Netherlands. Known mirror-servers will be in Hungary and possibly Germany. Currently we are NOT looking for other mirror-servers, when we do, we will announce that here.

For this I really want to thank Orudge for making it happen. Thank you!

Some things all developers/coders need to about due to recent changes:
  • - is gone. Orudge and I merged us.svn and nl.svn to one server: nl.svn.
  • - the MasterServer (in-game server-list), will be moved to this new server soon. Expect some in-game troubles with the gamelist around that time (DNS update)

DNS outage and other tidbits

As you could see everything related to OpenTTD was out for a few days (at least the DNS servers which are responsible for ip-to-address resolve). Due to a power-out the servers were shut down and wouldn't reboot properly. Of course this happened during the weekend, so we had to wait until Monday to get it fixed. Everything is back online now :).

On another note, an RSS button has been added to the website for the people that like RSS-feed of the sparse news supplies.

Once a few issues are resolved you can expect a new release in the near future. Until then we strongly recommend to try out the nightlies (Downloads section) if you can't wait.

Website revamp

As you can see the OpenTTD website has enjoyed a major rewrite. It is now featuring the same design as and helps us administer it better.
Credits go to Hesslow for the new design, I'll take credit for the coding. We hope you like it!

On another note, Ludde, the original author of OpenTTD has returned from the darkness and is already busy adding nice features. Three cheers for him!

OpenTTD released

Yes so soon :). This is a hotfix release where several issues with 0.4.0 have been fixed. Some crashes don''t happen anymore, signs work, etc. Otherwise it has no new features, but we urge you to use this one instead of 0.4.0.

As usual, you can find the release on SourceForge.

OpenTTD 0.4.0 released!

It has been a while, but finally OpenTTD 0.4.0 is out. Things took a bit longer than expected, and everyone was busy, but it is done. Expect yet another major update. This time bigger maps, "unlimited" amount of towns, industries, stations, etc., heavily improved and protected network-gameplay, a new, smart, pathfinder, multiple busstops, etc. Too much to say all at once.
Download 0.4.0 right now and enjoy the game!

Links at: SourceForge